Freshen the Stren brand and create a structural package strategy for an expanding line of Stren sub-branded products.

Concept Development
Early exploration included functional innovations to the structural package. There were many concepts that focused on extra package functionally including techniques to spool the line from the package to the reel with control and tension. Freeing up the users hands to better perform spooling tasks and storing unused line in a way that simplified accessibility when needed again. The fish… yes the fish, needed a fresh look too.
Functional Packaging
The package needed to clearly communicate several key elements to Stren Brand. Beyond having a unique shelf presence differentiated from competitors the package needed to showcase the line. Spooling the line onto a reel from the package simplifies that process for the fisherman. Sub-branding thru color, graphics and placement helps the user understand the choices for various fishing types. The back of the package educates the user on the lines characteristics and offers instructions in knot tying.
A package that attracts fishermen by showcasing great fishing line and simplifying its use.